Profile Building for Authors


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I had a real “now what” moment when I finished my first book Thrive in Midlife. Fortunately I got really good at leveraging published author status to get free publicity. This certainly helped a lot. But if anyone was able to offer me anything like the amazing profile building opportunities that I’m able to offer my clients now, I would have felt like I’d died and gone to heaven.

The two most popular opportunities I have up my sleeve are speaker spots at my Author Showcase events at the State Library of NSW, and a plethora of international speaker spots at the Womens Economic Forum events all over the world.

By this stage – a full five years after launching my business off the back of being made redundant after spending my whole working life up to the age of 52 working for the government, I’ve amassed a stack of fabulous collateral in the form of video footage. But by far my personal favourite is the showreel I put together from my first Author Showcase event in 2019. You can watch it here

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