How to Make Sure That Your Message Lands with Your Potential Audience

I often meet people who avoid writing because they don’t think they’re any good at it.  That’s a shame because it’s usually a case of having been told this when they’re young and impressionable, without enough moxie to reject the negative feedback they’re getting, with the consequence of limiting themselves – sometimes for the rest ...

The Matter Of  Mindset

Maintaining a mindset that supports you in relation to your writing goals can be the difference between getting your book written, or having the desire to write a book gnawing away at you for ever. The bottom line is that you’ll experience much more joy in your life if you take control of what goes ...

An Inspirational Prespective

I was deeply moved by the TED talk that I’ve attached below where Elizabeth Gilbert of “Eat, Love, Pray” fame talks about what I’ll inelegantly call the fear of failure. You’ll see how inadequate and inelegant that description of what she covers in this talk is when you watch it. Having written a book myself, ...

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